Name: Tyler Kalisiak
Job Title: Sports Nutrition and Conditioning Specialist
Period: January 2009 to Present
So what led you to pursue a career in the field of nutrition and fitness?
As a lot of the athletes in the motocross community begin, I was about 5 years old when I got a on my first dirt bike. Since throwing a leg over the bike, it’s safe to say that I was hooked on motocross and in it for the long run!
From there, I competed as an amateur until 2005 and raced the AMA Supercross series in 2006, 2007 and 2008. It was an amazing experience while it lasted, but after a string of injuries, with the last injury that put me into a coma, it was time to move onto the next chapter in life.
It took me a while to really know what my calling was (career to pursue). Most times I would be thinking about what direction to head in, while I was either still hitting the gym, or road cycling because of my love for it. Then after a great conversation that I had with my close friend Greg Albertyn (3 time World Champion, AMA Outdoor Champion), the direction became clear. Food and fitness!
Throughout your career, what are some of your accomplishments you’ve had?
I have had the blessing of working with so many amazing athletes and non-athletes as well! To keep it short, handful of highlights in my career on who I’ve worked with and the accomplishments they’ve achieved are; Tyler Bowers through several Arenacross Championships and a Supercross win as a backup rider, Malcolm Stewart and leading him to his first podium finishes in Supercross, Vicki Golden with her success as a WMA racer, 3 X-Game gold medals and a bronze medal, Robbie Madison training for some of his record breaking jumps and to get a Paramount Pictures Movie award for best stunt man, Matt Bisceglia with several Supercross podiums and his huge success as a Factory Suzuki 450 backup rider, Mitchell Falk and Sean Cantrell with a Loretta Lynn’s Championship and over 15 other Championships throughout one season of racing in the amateur ranks.
WIth all of the success in Motocross, is that the only sport you invest your time in?
Going up as a racer in the sport, and aside from my knowledge I’ve obtained through school, that is an easy niche to cater to. I know how they feel, what they experience as a racer, the psychology behind it, and what it truly takes to succeed. However, to answer you question, NO. I when to school to understand the science behind the athletic body, the demands, stress, fitness, reactions etc, I really can apply everything into pretty much any sport. Aside from motocross, I have a big passion for cycling, and have/do work with cyclist as well!
Now besides the fitness side of things, you mentioned being a nutrition specialist also. What do things look like in that field and what kind of effect does it have on athletes?
YES! Nutrition actually became the massive passion deep down inside me. I always loved, and still love the fitness side. That isn’t going anywhere! But over the years, after learning more about the nutrition aspect of everything, my love for it grew exponentially. Our body’s performance demands, recovery, sleep, hormones, stress levels and health as a human being are ALL resulting in the foods we provide for ourselves. After studying for almost 10 years, it has been AMAZING by learning and applying to self, to even better understand the why’s, what’s and how’s of it all.
We literally could be living life at 60% without even knowing it. And as a metaphor for athletes when it comes to nutrition, what good does it do to spending all of the time and money into building a race motor when it’s being fed the wrong fuel? Our body’s need the support from race fuel (proper food) to support all the building you are doing for it.
With food being such a big key to an athlete's success, how do you see the different supplements playing a role with an athlete?
Clearly there is no replacement for the food we need to provide for ourselves. But when it comes to achieving the greatest success with our fitness in general, that’s where I see supplements playing its key roles. They are here to “supplement” our nutritional intake of proper food and training demands. Just like the quality of the food we eat, the quality of the supplements are just as important also. That’s why I use and support Ryno Power products. Knowing that the product is clean, I personally feel and see the results too.
How long has Ryno Power been apart of your training regimen and why do you stick with it?
I have been using Ryno Power products now for about a year and a half. We first met at the Loretta Lynn Amateur National in 2016, and it started out with testing their product. After trying the product out, I developed a strong belief in the Ryno Power products. I wasn’t only because of taste or convenience in using the product, but how well I felt, and the benefits I began to feel using it. I too am not a supporter of things I don’t believe in, and Ryno Power is one a definitely stand by.
Favorite product and why?
It started out as the protein powders that were my favorite product(s) because of the flavor and the benefits I felt. But aside from being a sports conditioning specialist, I happily LIVE in my kitchen, from being a sports nutritionist as well. With that said, I started using the protein powders in different dishes I create.
But recently, a new favorite product of mine has actually been the Motivation pills! Those things work wonders. I've literally been getting dressed for a road or mountain bike ride with a client and not "motivated". But by the time I got on the bike, my whole perspective has shifted. Those Motivation pill have become a new best friend!
What do you notice when you are or aren't using Ryno Power?
I definitely don’t feel as well recovered. If I skip out on the Hydration powder during some longer cycling rides, I definitely feel way less efficient. Also, if I don’t have the Recovery pills on hand after workouts, my fatigue and soreness seems to creep in a bit more than usual. Those things pretty much travel with me everywhere I go!
What do you recommend to a rider who might be on the fence about possibly purchasing the product?
With any of your products, if it’s claiming to provide support through issues that you currently deal with or would like to improve on...the financial risk vs. reward seems MORE than worth it to me. If you try it and don't like it, check it off the list and move on. If you try it and like it, your progress lasts a lifetime!
Anything else you'd like to add about the product or company?
I know that there are plenty of companies on the market that could give the same statements as Ryno Power. However, the supplement world isn’t regulated by the same authorities as our food industry is. With that said, companies can make all the claims they want, and yet be far from the truth. With the time I've been with the brand now, I've been feeling Ryno Powers product pull through with each product.
ALSO, the long term relationship that comes with the Ryno Power brand can’t be matched. It’s not just a product you purchase, but the support and reliability they provide that comes with it.
How can someone get connected or in contact with you?
I like to serve a lot of people on Instagram and on Facebook, with posts that inspire and encourage others to pursue the best life possible. On Instagram, my username is @tylerkalisiak, and on Facebook, feel free to join my private group called Nutrition Anchor by Tyler Kalisiak OR just go to www.nutritionanchorgroup.com
Ways I use It:
2 of my favorite things to do when using the Ryno Power protein is:
- Shaking the vanilla protein powder in with my Almond or Cashew milk, and then using that to put with my cereal of choice. I like doing this pre or post workout!
- I like using the protein by adding it into one of my pancake recipes, to easily balance my Macronutrients out during breakfast.